“I Am Chosen!”

Dr. Marcia Martin
6 min readFeb 19, 2022
Understanding Grace — The Freely Given Unmerited Favor and Love of God

As one energetic stream of light separated into individual physical bodies, many of you see yourselves as separate beings. This confusion about your oneness has also caused confusion surrounding the teachings from the Divine. Holy words that were meant to enlighten all, about inclusion in the kingdom of heaven, have been misunderstood and have in many cases been used as an excuse for exclusion.

Surely, the commitment you showed to God and to each other marked you as those who had been chosen by God

Today, we seek to explain the meaning behind the statement, “Many are called but few are chosen.” You may have learned this phrase and interpreted it to mean that you and your group of similar beings were the ones God had chosen. After all, you were gathered together and held many of the same views. Surely, the commitment you showed to God and to each other marked you as those who had been chosen by God. This belief was often put to the test when other groups insisted that they were the chosen ones. Even though you all professed love for the Divine it was each other you could not tolerate. So you separated into groups that were intolerant of each other as you fought unceasingly to claim the title of “Chosen ones.” In this way, you forgot that you are one and all are chosen, each one of you, without exception, is a beloved child of God. There is nothing that you can say or do that will remove that distinction from you. You are and always will be a beloved child of God.

Religion, power, greed, and jealously have altered the interpretation over the years but any that walk with God in the hallowed halls of love, joy, and peace know that all are welcomed, desired, and encouraged to set down the heavy burdens of individuality, separateness, and loneliness

If then, you are indeed loved, how can only a few of you be chosen? It is in this misunderstanding that your problem begins. The statement was issued as a call to action, it was not meant to be a call for God to play favorites. Religion, power, greed, and jealously have altered the interpretation over the years but any that walk with God in the hallowed halls of love, joy, and peace know that all are welcomed, desired, and encouraged to set down the heavy burdens of individuality, separateness, and loneliness. Just as, all are encouraged to pick up the loosely fitting and perfectly balanced cloak that represents union with God.

They fool themselves into either believing they’ve achieved all that they have without help or that they are somehow more special, more gifted, more appreciated than others

Many in power throughout time have become lured into the darkness of ignorance with their increasing importance. As they appear to be receiving a larger and larger portion for themselves the desire to share with anyone or anything diminishes. They fool themselves into either believing they’ve achieved all that they have without help or that they are somehow more special, more gifted, more appreciated than others. Perhaps, they think to themselves, that they have been singled out for favor while those others, who are less special than they themselves are, have been shunted off to the side. These people of false power then circulate untruths about the Divine and tell those others that they were not chosen. Then they offer the assurance that you too, other ones, can be chosen if you offer money, obedience, and servitude to we who are in power, we who are favored.

The Christ Consciousness reminds all of the greatness that resides within every being

The Christ Consciousness, which was demonstrated in physical form by the person of Jesus has been gifted to all. It is an expanded state of being that helps one to realize that every molecule of energy exists together in ways that can both be seen and unseen. The Christ Consciousness reminds all of the greatness that resides within every being. It helps to illuminate the folly of trying to conduct one’s life without the support and guidance of the all-loving Creator and it serves to show us the inter-connectivity among all things. What it does not do is force, dictate, demand, or ostracize.

All are given the chance to partner with God and experience life from the highest good perspective but few of the many who are called will choose to do so

The Christ Consciousness is not new, nor is it limited to a select group of deserving individuals. What it is, is all-encompassing, all illuminating and all-knowing. However, there is a catch and this one condition is what has caused confusion throughout the years. Since God will not force you to step into alignment with their love and your highest good, you must choose to do so. All are given the chance to partner with God and experience life from the highest good perspective but few of the many who are called will do so. Free will, the opportunity to choose what you will or will not experience in your life, demands that you are free to live out the physical journey locked in the delusion of darkness. In essence, this means, you have chosen not to partner with God but to go solo and handle all of life’s challenges by yourself. You may tell yourself that God has abandoned you, that you’re cursed, beset by karma, or that you’ve been judged and found to be lacking. This line of thinking will support the idea of separation and lend weight to the idea that you must feel sorry for yourself. You may even believe that you are due pity from others who received a more entitled life. Yet, this kind of, “it’s not my fault” way of behaving and thinking cannot lead you into the light where the chosen are waiting. No, it can only lead you into the darkness where all you can see is your own sorrow.

The chosen have stopped begging the Divine for help and have started receiving the unconditional love and support that is flowing ceaselessly to those who have chosen to align

The chosen have opened their hearts to the Divine. They have thrown off the shackles of illusion and separation. They understand that they are, as are all beings, loved, honored, cherished, protected, and guided by the Creator. The chosen have stopped begging the Divine for help and have started receiving the unconditional love and support that is flowing ceaselessly to those who have chosen to align with the Divine. The chosen have learned the truth which they now boldly proclaim, “All are chosen!”



Dr. Marcia Martin M Ed, Ph D — The Heart Healer, is a personal empowerment coach, bestselling author, and clairaudient angel communicator who specializes in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life.

Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, Angel Heart Healing, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and helps you answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?”

Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life.

Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at https://www.mmhearthealer.com/coaching or join the My Heart’s Desire Community at https://www.mmhearthealer.com/community and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.



Dr. Marcia Martin

Marcia Martin, M Ed, Ph D — The Heart Healer, is a clairaudient angel communicator, channel, teacher, counselor, minister, public speaker and bestselling author